July 27, 2024
Stuart Simonsen Billings MT

Stu Simonsen Discusses Techniques to Expand an eCommerce Business Internationally

Stu Simonsen of Billings, MT is an entrepreneur and eCommerce expert. In the following article, Stuart Simonsen discusses how global store owners should allocate their resources wisely and invest in the best automation tools to grow into new markets effectively while maintaining connections with local audiences.

The COVID-19 pandemic helped the eCommerce industry explode — and the post-crisis world is still proving beneficial for the field. In fact, ever since the global trade market has reopened, eCommerce businesses are expanding into overseas markets more than ever before.

Despite the speed at which many stores are converting into internationally focused entities, expanding in such a way is easier said than done. Stu Simonsen of Billings, MT explains that such growth necessitates a few essential steps to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Stu Simonsen on Redesigning Customer Profiles to Fit New Locations

Customer avatars provide an overview of a company’s ideal customer — and professionals state that every growth-focused eCommerce store should have one to direct sales, support, and marketing teams.

Although Stuart Simonsen says that it’s worth noting that it isn’t the overarching cruciality of such avatars. Instead, the main importance of customer profiles as businesses expand overseas is to optimize the experience and buyer’s journey in every new market.

The impact of customer avatars can be huge, so companies should ensure they:

  • Identify their most imperative markets for conversion and marketing focuses.
  • Research local customers and compare them with existing avatars.
  • Define the key motivators, values, drivers, goals, and needs of various brand-new target markets.
  • View global expansion as a chance to create meaningful connections with a range of diverse markets.

Automation to Become eCommerce Business’s Best Friend

Automation achieves short-, mid-, and long-term goals, provided it’s implemented correctly. The eCommerce world lends itself wonderfully to near-complete autonomy.

Despite the myriad of benefits, Stu Simonsen, and other industry experts state it can be a challenging endeavor, requiring careful investments and tight budgets to avoid overspending. Streamlining strategies is a must for eCommerce stores looking to expand to global markets.

Perhaps the most effective automation opportunities for this industry are:

  • Chatbot tech for customer support
  • Inventory and order management
  • Email marketing
  • Social media posting and scheduling
  • Feedback gathering and data analytics
  • Segmentation and targeting depending on the buyer’s behaviors

Stu Simonsen Billings MT
Establishing Authoritativeness in New Markets

Stu Simonsen of Billings, MT says that businesses looking to reach international waters must think beyond shipping productions and payment methods. While both are ultra-essential to the overall goal, focusing on strategic questions is necessary, particularly when it comes to authoritative brand presence.

Companies might be popular names in their local market, but that all changes when establishing themselves across the planet. eCommerce stores must work even harder to prove experience and trust.

Building trust is a long game, necessitating deliberate, intentional actions to bring it to fruition. Industry moguls believe the best trust-building methods are as follows:

  • Share only relevant information
  • Live events
  • On-demand webinars
  • Increase engagement through videos

Diverse yet relevant content provides a deep understanding of new audiences, their needs, and how businesses can optimize output to engage them.

Easy Access for Customers Around the World

Regardless of their location, customers do not want hardships. Purchasing shouldn’t be friction-filled. Instead, it should be seamless and smooth, increasing the likelihood of customers coming back for more.

After all, going international means that companies are targeting pre-existing, well-established businesses that locals know and love. Thus, Stu Simonsen of Billings, MT says that improving processes puts global eCommerce stores a step (or two) ahead of the competition.

Localizing Content and Altering Brand Image

Finally, overseas expansion is a great way to dominate a range of individual markets. Frankly, it isn’t about taking over the world — it’s about obtaining a high return on investment industries and target audiences.

Thus, the localization of brand, content, and messaging must be a core focus across all strategies. Stuart Simonsen of Billings, MT explains that store owners should keep in mind that eCommerce translation and localization are not just about web copy; it’s about adapting whole brand experiences and service/product descriptions to the diverse cultures and trends found throughout the world.

As soon as businesses identify their top most lucrative markets, they can localize their sales and marketing strategies to maximize their mid- and long-term potential.

International Expansion Can Be Successful for All

Even though many eCommerce business owners see global expansion as an elusive pipe dream, Stu Simonsen says that technology’s advancements mean any local brand has the potential to reach (and dominate) international waters.