Reed Pirain is an award-winning realtor in the Metropolitan Pittsburgh area. In the following article, Reed Pirain discusses the habits held by real estate tech leaders attributed to helping them become so successful.
Various startups and large tech-based companies launched over the past ten years have caused quite a stir in the real estate industry, which has always been considered a very traditional sector. Airbnb, many believe, has accelerated this disruptive trend quicker than anyone could’ve predicted reports Reed Pirain.
But creating a product backed by an elite team that brings such transformation to real estate is not a small feat. Those who forefront these startups share common habits that allow them to distinguish themselves from other industry leaders, according to Reed Pirain.
6 Habits Held by the Most Successful Real Estate Tech Leaders
While many moguls deem the term “characteristics” more suitable here, Reed Pirain disagrees, saying the word “habits” implies the attributes can be learned and gained — which all six of the following abilities shared by the most successful real estate tech leaders can be.
Reed Pirain says Agility is Their Main Value
By their very nature, technology businesses embrace company-level agile methodology. However, the best realize the benefits of agility on an individual level.
According to various research, Reed Pirain reports that firms that adopt agile principles experience 60% growth in profit and revenue. And the same can be said for company leaders and other employees.
The last few years have been a whirlwind for the real estate industry, with sector experts expecting the rollercoaster ride to continue in 2023.
For businesses, this means reveling in new developments and being eager to seek out innovative methods in response. Reed Pirain says that those without excitement for change and the ability to adapt cannot lead the creation of a product poised to disrupt the industry.
They Maintain a Strong Network
Maintaining a strong network isn’t easy — it takes a lot of work according to Reed Pirain. But those expertly pioneering the real estate tech industry have the people skills and the wherewithal to build and keep a healthy web. In doing so, they benefit from:
- Knowing emerging industry trends
- Exciting product ideas
- Meeting new team members and partnerships
Succeeding as a tech leader within the space is all about developing long-term relationships with various professionals states Reed Pirain. Despite technology being at the business’ core, they don’t ignore traditional meet-up methods.
They Lead by Example
The most successful real estate tech titans understand that it isn’t just about the product’s uniqueness; it’s also about creating and leading a top-notch team.
Being a great leader is primarily about showcasing the qualities they want their team to exhibit through their actions, how they speak to their colleagues, and their work.
The best are those who support people and lead by example instead of imposing expectations they cannot embrace themselves.
Collaboration is Always on the Cards
Strong real estate technology businesses don’t operate in a vacuum.
While a broad professional network is essential, those fore fronting the industry keep their eyes peeled for potential cooperations, collaborations, and partnerships.
In fact, Reed Pirain says that they often actively seek them out. Why? Because they understand that strategic collaborations can develop solutions to niche emerging challenges that they couldn’t resolve on their own. Not to mention, they value teamwork and realize the astonishing speed at which they can grow by partnering with others in the industry.
The term “it takes a village” couldn’t be more apt.
Continuous Learning is Their Bread and Butter
A key value all successful leaders (regardless of the industry) share is the willingness to always improve current skills and learn new ones reports Reed Pirain.
Technology is a constantly evolving industry, so nobody should assume they possess all the capabilities and understanding necessary to continue accurately responding to ever-changing dynamics. So, the best leaders never do.
Instead, they’re constantly learning, improving, and guiding their whole team through the process says Reed Pirain. Some choose to do that through one-on-one coaching, and others prefer online courses. But whatever the learning looks like, all successful real estate tech titans do it in ways that work for them and their teams.
They Appreciate Their Team — And Show It
Last but not least, the best leaders look inward and show they appreciate their workforce. After all, they understand that employee satisfaction and comfort are the keys to ensuring they band together to develop a product ready for industry disruption.