July 27, 2024
Gary Pascual

Gary Pascual Offers Tips for People Looking to Get More Active This Summer

As a sports and fitness enthusiast, Gary Pascual knows that people make fitness goals at the start of the year and right before summer starts. Gary Pascual believes it is easier to stick to fitness goals during the summer months because the thought of getting outside to enjoy a workout is much more appealing when negative temperatures and snow are nowhere near the forecast. Today, Gary Pascual will assist anyone looking to get out and enjoy some fun in the sun this summer.


Gary Pascual has always been a proponent of running. It’s a great way to not only stay in shape, but to relieve stress. Gary Pascual recommends starting small because running can be intimidating to non-runners. The key to getting better as a runner is to be consistent. If the first few weeks is a struggle to run longer than a few minutes at a time, Gary Pascual implores runners not to get dejected. Instead, runners should congratulate themselves on sticking to it. Keep a slow, steady pace, and anyone will be surprised at how quickly they can grow comfortable running a few miles at a time. Always cool down and stretch before and after a run to recover faster and safer.


Aside from standup paddleboarding, which Gary Pascual has left out of this article due to the learning curve associated with this activity, cycling is Gary Pascual’s favorite way to spend a summer morning. At a beginner’s pace, a biker can include a number of great health benefits like cardiovascular improvement, muscle building, and even noticeable improvements in posture and mobility. As people grow more comfortable on their bike, they should invest in the proper cycling equipment. Gary Pascual recommends starting with the proper clothes. Biker shorts can help cut down on uncomfortable chaffing. Padded shorts can provide the proper level of comfort, so a rider isn’t dreading a longer trip. When cycling on the road, be sure to wear brighter colors, so that both pedestrians and cars can see you traveling clearly.


Not every physical activity has to be an organized exercise activity. For instance, anyone who has done yard work understands how much physical exertion can go into this activity. Gardening requires a person to squat down, move their body, and get a healthy sweat going. The benefits of Vitamin D exposure are great, and numerous studies point to gardening as one of the very best activities for those looking to lower their stress levels. There’s something about putting hands in the dirt that provides a sense of calm over a person.

Lawn Activities

So many great lawn games can be enjoyed with friends and family in the summer. People often only break out the frisbee, horseshoes, or cornhole sets on major occasions, but these activities can get the heart pumping on any nice summer day. While these games are far from the most physically exerting activities, they are better than sitting on the couch and watching television. Gary Pascual recommends mixing lawn games with other physical activities to push yourself beyond your status quo.


There are so many great hiking trails throughout the United States. Gary Pascual can confidently say that you don’t need to live near a national park to enjoy hiking. Trails are abundant, and the hiking community is vast. A quick Google search or a local community Facebook group can provide great information on the location of local parks. There are also local park services that people can call to request a list of hiking paths.

Martial Arts

More and more families are signing their kids up for various types of martial arts classes. This is indeed a great way to get and stay fit, but did you know you could take it to the next level and get authentic Kung Fu training in China?


There are few better fully-body exercises than swimming. Swimming not only works the upper and lower body simultaneously, but it also provides a tremendous cardiovascular routine. It doesn’t hurt that swimming is also just about the most refreshing summer activity. Whether you live near a beach, a pool, or a lake, routine swimming excursions are a great way to get active this summer. Gary Pascual encourages people to swim in a pool when they can as they can explore different swim strokes and record their times. A little friendly solo competition is a great way to remain motivated.